The Family
“The family is a necessary good for the nations, an essential foundation for society”
The family structures have changed and evolved with the pass of time. The traditional family model used to be the mother, the father and the children, but in our world today families with this structure are about 10%. The family today can be a two parent family, single parent family, extended family and gay family. Even though the structure has change the functions are the same. The family has the function of first procreate and reproduce so the human species dos not extinct. The second function of the family is socialization and care for the children. Families basically educate and teach the children right and wrong. Parents also need to provide their children with the basic necessities such as food, roof, clothes and emotional support. The last function of the family is to psychologically support their children they need to make sure they children are well adjusted to society and prepare them to function and be part of it. Families have a purpose and a function in society. People might think that the family unit might disappear but that is not the case, the family is evolving as everything in our world. Families are here to stay.
Our family is a circle
of strength and love.
With every birth and every
union, the circle grows.
Every joy shared adds more love.
Every crisis faced together
makes the circle stronger.
This website contains publications and articles related to the latest family studies and research. I find it very useful for anybody studying sociology.
The web site contains helpful information for families. It includes information on parenting, relationships, pregnancy, health, finances and lifestyles.
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